It has been several years since I set up for a craft faire. Between Covid and our county taking forever to open up, I missed two years of craft fairs.
With my first craft fair of the season looming I kept thinking about how I was going to set things up.
Round signs seemed to be my biggest problem. I could not figure out what to hang them on. In the past I had a few signs in holders on my table and the reminder laying down. I found with the signs laying down they were not catching peoples eyes. I searched social media for hours looking for a good solution that I could make or pickup within a few days.
What I found was not extremely helpful, some people had elaborate setups, (which I could not do on short notice) and several of them lacked the flow I was looking for. Others were, how to build a sign stand from Walmart or The Dollar Store, again I did not have the time and these setups were still not what I was looking for.
The Friday before my first Craft Fair this year, I decided that a piece of lattice that I had in our yard would work, I had my husband trimmed it to the size needed and added little nails so I could hang up the signs. Worked great, until people kept tripping over it because it was leaning between two tables.
I moved the lattice to the table in front of my booth, but it was to short so it leaned awkwardly and people really couldn't see it until they ran into it with their feet. I had my popup so I ended up hanging them with twine, that worked ok but still not the look I was going for.
For my remaining items I knew that height was going to be my best friend, I highly recommend the wood boxes from Michaels or Joann's, they are the perfect size for tumbles to sit on top of the box and then more in front of the box, it is a nice clean look.
When I set up my tables I did not set them up to allow customers to come into my booth and look around, they walked on the outside of both tables. I recommended you open your booth up to allow traffic inside. Once your clients are inside browsing I found it easier to mingle and get to know what they were looking for.
This weekend I was at my third craft fair, which was inside and I didn't have to worry about the weather, the weekend before it was raining and I felt squished in my booth to ensure everything stayed dry.
For this craft fair I opened up my tables and had plenty of room for customers to walk into my area, ask me questions, pick up my items (mostly tumblers since they all have pretty funny sayings). I had all four boxes with tumblers on top and along the bottom. My second table had a few signs, earrings and potholders (which were a hit)!
One more thing that I learned to help grow your online presence if that is important to you, have a raffle for those new people that like and follow your page. You can print your QR code for whatever plate form you are on, I did Instagram and TikTok and create a pleasing flyer in Canva.
I will use this set up again for my craft fairs.
If any of you have craft faire set up tips please comment! Together we can help all of us and our customers have a amazing crafting experience.
Check back soon for a free booth checklist!